Imaginary George is the pen name of Brad Harris, a primarily fantasy author, now living in Cape Town, South Africa. Unlike most pen names, Harris developed a character around Imaginary George through which he writes most of his works.

Imaginary George  

George is an only child, born in Number Seventeen on Drostdy Lane in 1954, which was a small double-story house with a tiled red roof in Surrey, England. His childhood house was a lot like one of those places you read in fairytales—too small to believe it was double-story, yet filled with hidden corners, loose floorboards, and creaking doorways to airy rooms. Growing up as speech impaired, this was George’s escape, to enjoy his house as a castle… and from out of this his fantasies were born.

Due to an early childhood trauma, George grew up being unable to talk. Committed to only nonverbal communication because of this, George developed a love for the written word and lost himself in the worlds that literature brought alive as soon as he could read. Being classed so often as "a mute" and dismissed in his early life, George developed a passion for capturing stories that uplifted the overseen, entwined with his strong values around family. This has led him to some incredible writing pursuits.  

Living in Surrey for most of his early life, George began his apprenticeship as a carpenter and joiner at 14 to his father, always writing tales around his wooden creations for anyone who would read them. It was only in late 2016, when George closed his joinery business and moved to South Africa, that he ventured to publish anything that he had written. 


Imaginary George signature